EA has said it is investigating reports that the
Battlefield 4 Second Assault DLC is currently
unavailable to those who have bought Battlefield
Premium on Xbox One.
The DLC, which features four Battlefield 3 maps
updated for the latest title, is a timed exclusive
on Xbox One and will be free for paid-up
members of the Premium service.
But Premium users are reporting that a new
entry on the in-game Battlefield store, where the
Second Assault DLC would normally be found, is
listed as NULL DATA. The pack has no
description, and cannot be purchased or
"I know some of you have said already that it is
being looked into, I wanted to just confirm that
for you so you guys have a [staff] post to refer
to," wrote EA_Rick on the game's forums .
Some users on the EA forums are reporting that
they were told the issue would be fixed after the
exclusivity period lapses.
"Right now all I can say is that we are aware of
this issue and are currently investigating this
with Microsoft.

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